Thursday, December 10, 2009

Episode Sixty Nine

Episode Sixty Nine: "Galveston, nineteen sixty nine, just before the hurricane. They saw it. But seeing isn't always believing.

Welcome to episode sixty nine of the Are You Serious? podcast. As you can guess, someone clues in really fast on the episode number and runs that joke into the ground!

It's a mix and match episode this week, with some T.V, movies news stories, scandals and douche-bags. So, in essence, another regular show!
Topics discussed are, Palin, Clone Wars, health care, Tiger Woods, The Office, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Big Bang Theory and more.

Music this week is from:
Dethklok - "Mermaider II: The Water God"
Steve Vai - "Erotic Nightmares"
The Damned - "Wait for the Blackout"
The Ghastly Ones - "Yuzo's Twist"
Do you have a podcast? Do you want to advertise on this show? Send an e-mail to and we'll talk.

Coincidentally, that is also the listener feedback e-mail as well.
You can also call 206-338-3094
Direct download: Episode_Sixty_Nine.mp3

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