Thursday, October 21, 2010

Episode One Hundred Fourteen

In this episode, we start off talking about the convention that Chris worked last weekend for Outside the Cinema, Rock and Shock. Many celebrities were met, including George Romero and Judah Freelander.

From there, we move into what is usually our first segment. We talk about Glee, 30 Rock, Community, Outsourced, Big Bang and all the other usual shows. We talk about what we think will be the catalyst for Steve Carell's character to leave the show. After all, doesn't the guy deserve a good break finally?

After that, we move into some of the more ridiculous people that are running for office this year. People like Carl Paladino and Christine O'Donnell. These are people that will outlaw abortion, even in the case of rape or incest, remove amendments from the Constitution, and know nothing about how what they say will affect people in the long run. Be afraid, be very afraid and don't vote for them.

We have what is most likely the best voice mail ever and then we end the show.

Music this week is from:
Chris Bricklemyer - Are You Serious? Theme V.1"
The Art of War - "A Small Victory"
The Art of War - "Stop!!"
The Art of War - "More of Me"
Concrete Blonde - "Everybody Knows"
Bo Burnham - "Art is Dead"

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