Thursday, October 28, 2010

Episode One Hundred Fifteen

his week on Are You Serious? we talk about 30 Rock, Big Bang, The Office and a bunch of other T.V.

We touch on politics and religion as usual, but we spend an unholy amount of time exploring the "Creation Museum" website and planning a trip there for the show. Will it happen? It's up to you!

I hope they sell T-shirts like this in the gift shop.

This is an actual exhibit in the "Creation Museum."

I missed one email and one voice mail, but we get them next week! Sorry guys!

Music this week is from:

Chris Bricklemyer - "Are You Serious Theme V.1"

Red Elvises - "Drinking With Jesus"

The Art of War - "Crave"

Zombina and the Skeletons - "Janie's Got a Dissolvo Ray"

Concrete Blonde - "Everybody Knows"

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Episode One Hundred Fourteen

In this episode, we start off talking about the convention that Chris worked last weekend for Outside the Cinema, Rock and Shock. Many celebrities were met, including George Romero and Judah Freelander.

From there, we move into what is usually our first segment. We talk about Glee, 30 Rock, Community, Outsourced, Big Bang and all the other usual shows. We talk about what we think will be the catalyst for Steve Carell's character to leave the show. After all, doesn't the guy deserve a good break finally?

After that, we move into some of the more ridiculous people that are running for office this year. People like Carl Paladino and Christine O'Donnell. These are people that will outlaw abortion, even in the case of rape or incest, remove amendments from the Constitution, and know nothing about how what they say will affect people in the long run. Be afraid, be very afraid and don't vote for them.

We have what is most likely the best voice mail ever and then we end the show.

Music this week is from:
Chris Bricklemyer - Are You Serious? Theme V.1"
The Art of War - "A Small Victory"
The Art of War - "Stop!!"
The Art of War - "More of Me"
Concrete Blonde - "Everybody Knows"
Bo Burnham - "Art is Dead"

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Episode One Hundred Thirteen

In this episode we discuss 30 Rock, The Office and Outsourced. Frank saw "The Town," and we discuss local landmarks as well as how the film actually was. Then, through some weird alignment of the stars, Glee, Modern Family and Community shared some common themes that relate to topics we often cover on the show. It was really weird, three shows on three different networks in the same week touch on the same topic.

Then, we discuss Carl Paladino. On "National Coming Out Day," Carl Paladino decides to comment on his opponent's decision to march in a gay pride parade. Then he goes on to say even more disgusting things about the community. We listen to a bit of Keith Olbermann and his description of the events, complete with audio of Paladino saying the hateful comments.

Since last week's hate mail was so funny, we decided to check out the Daily Kos best of last year's hate mail. It's not as funny as some of the other ones, but still the hate is pretty palpable. We finish up with listener feedback and that's the show!

Music this week is from
Chris Bricklemyer - "Are You Serious? Theme V.1"
The Art of War - "The Wrong Way"
The Art of War - "System Overload"
The Art of War - "War Machine"
Concrete Blonde - "Everybody Knows"

Check out "The Art of War" at

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Episode One Hundred Twelve

This episode is one for the books. On a whim, I thought it would be funny to read some of the hate mail that the Daily Kos posted the other day. Well, that turned into one of the best segments we have had in a long time. Be warned, there is a lot of hate speech in this segment, but none of it came from the hosts. They are reading actual letters from real people.

But first, we talk about what we've watched lately. Modern Family, 30 Rock, Glee, et al, get quick mentions in a segment that is still pretty long. Frank talks about "The Social Network," and Chris talks a little about the "Last Airbender" flick from Shamalan.

From there, we pull up some news stories and discuss those for a bit. Then we move into the hate mail for the Daily Kos.

There's not much else to say, except, it's foul, hateful mean spirited, There’s one part Chris wouldn't read and words never used on the show are said. Multiple times.

Music this week is from:

Chris Bricklemyer - "Are You Serious Theme V.1"

Bad Religion - "Won't Somebody"

Bad Religion - "Devil in Stitches"

Concrete Blonde - "Everybody Knows"

The Dickies - "Fan Mail"

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